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Feng Shui is a Chinese traditional science that dates back over 7000 years, whose fundamental principle establishes that there are interactions between man, his environment and his destiny, and continues to be widely used around the world today.


The two words 'Feng Shui' mean wind and water, and describe the essential creation of good Chi energy to live in harmony and balance with our environment. It is the study of Chi and how its circulation affects people. The circulation of this invisible energy can be blocked or distorted by our environment, thus creating Shar Chi (negative energy). You may have entered into a home or business that does not feel right to you. You can’t put your finger on it, but you know you want to get out of there as soon as you can. That is Shar Chi. It is important for your home and business to attract positive Chi to achieve balance and harmony in your personal and work life.


Feng Shui can be applied in everyday life to help you maintain good Chi circulation, improve relationships, enhance personal fortune, family relations, business success and good health - the opportunity is at your doorstep.  




Numerology has spread worldwide in different forms, and is especially known in China where it has developed from thousands of years of ancient cultural heritage. The multitude of methods of numerology follows horoscope predictions that change and influence the fate of individuals. Although part of a person’s destiny is determined by the Heavens, Astrology can be used to change one’s fate, and even deflect predestined calamities. Numerology and Astrology can be used to predict the future of individuals, families and companies, transforming undesirable obstacles to change your luck and ensure you have a more fulfilling life.                                              

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